Thursday, June 30, 2011

365 Day Challenge: Day 34 A day of skin care and.. thai food?

Hey guys!
Today I'll be getting new things from Estee Lauder..... so expect some reviews on that.
Might possibly be getting my sewing machine too, unsure of it yet.
I'll update with photos and pictures throughout the day!

Day 34: 
Bad lighting, just got out the shower hair (which... it is)... well, bad picture to start off the day.
Let's see if it can get better hopefully LOL...
Here are the rest of the pictures :D
Heavily edited picture gogogo
Had Thai curry, I ordered mixed vegetables removing the broccoli.
I guess they really did remove it since I had no allergic reactions after eating it!
(Or else I'd be in the hospital instead of.. yeah haha)
The make-up... I had went in thinking of going for a simple gel liner look...
Came out natural o_o Didn't even use eyeliner on me....
P.S. Sorry for the... right eye. That eye area is so :S Maybe I should sleep more?
I finally got my sewing machine after all this!!!
I am so happy, I can finally change and make new things! <3
Expect simple how to's for clothes adjusting and what nots!
(I'll be posting an entire post dedicated to the machine.. and a review after)
Also signed up for a FinalCut Pro video editing class downtown... so maybe I'll do videos once more :O

Anyways, I left my Fanta accidentally in the freezer with some other frozen foods.
I barely remembered and I rushed to get it out.. looked like this:
Slushy... Fanta?
It came out like, half slushy in there.
Wasn't fizzy anymore :(
Plus when I opened it at first, it went everywhere @_@......
But it tasted really good though! :D
Fanta should make real Fanta slushies... I'd buy a billion, just saying.

-hugs and smiles-

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

365 Day Challenge: Day 33

For some odd reason this week (ahem), I've been obsessed.
With what you ask?

I'm seriously eating everything I hate this week (with the exception of meat)
I've already ate strawberry ice-cream, rice, and now... popcorn.
Behold, the glory of the entire bag of popcorn I ate....

Day 33:
I ate this entire bag.. in less than half an hour... oh gawd... I'm going to go on a long run later...
-hugs and smiles-

Guide to how Bunneh edits photos! (Photobucket, iPhoto, PhotoWonder)

I've had a few people ask me how I edit my pictures.
Let me just state that by editing my photos, I do not mean to look like a different race or am trying to pretend to be of another race.

Since that's cleared up, here is how I edit my photos!

On the Computer:
What Bunneh mainly uses: Photobucket, iPhoto
Why: Lazy, easy to use, right there

I open up Photo Booth and all I really do is just take lots and lots of screenshots 
(Command + Shift + 3 for Macs)
Taking screenshots as you can see :)
Once I take a good amount of screenshots, I go through all the screenshots, discarding the ones I don't want into the Trash and keep the ones I want.
Once I go through them all, I crop and save the screenshots I want.
(Crop = Command + K while Save = Command + S)
Yes.. you're not hallucinating, I have a Screenshot folder.
I finally select one or two pictures that I liked the most.

I upload it to Photobucket as I do with all my photos for storage.
Once I do that, if the picture is unedited, I go to the Edit option in Photobucket.
Editing screen on Photobucket
Original Photo:

Example 1:

When I got onto the Photobucket thing for editing, click on Contrast.
I changed the levels of the picture so contrast was lower and brightness was higher

Moving to Adjust, all I really did was take make the picture more brighter and took the level of saturation down until I was happy with the colors.
I went back to Contrast one more time and raised contrast slightly.

Example 2:

For this one all I did was go to Contrast and raise Contrast up a lot.
I swear I did brightness too... I guess not?

In Adjust I lowered saturation and messed around with it until I liked the balance of color and no color.
And then, done!

After I imported to iPhoto, I opened up Edit.
In Adjust, I just did all this and I was done with it all.
No need to go through a ton of tabs to get to what I want, it's pretty much all in one window.
Finished picture!

As you can see, with just a little change, I could change the picture completely.
For tips, on Photobucket, don't do anything else besides contrast, brightness, and saturation.
They have other tools/options like fixing wrinkles, all that good stuff.
But honestly, they suck.
I used to be a Photoshop junkie a while back but I got bored of hiding all my imperfections.
I mean, who's perfect?
I sure am not.

On my Phone:
What Bunneh mainly uses: PhotoWonder, Photobucket (for uploading)
Why: Excellent features, easy to use, fun to mess around with, nice tones, etc.

What I do is take lots, and lots of pictures with my phone.
After, I go through all the pictures (does this sound familiar?), I delete the ones I don't need.
With the pictures I need, I open up my PhotoWonder app.
From there, I just simply click Edit, find the picture I'm looking for, and upload.
That's when the magic starts.

If you haven't already and you have an Android phone, go get PhotoWonder.
It's free but it's totally worth the download.
Personally what I do on the app is mess around with cropping, contrast, brightness, and effects.
It's a great app for other camera w***** like me!
Seriously, you can even brighten skin, and all that other good beauty stuff.

My personal favorites for effects is Autumn and Blue Tone.
Here are the examples of what I mean by Autumn and Blue Tone:

Warm colors, fall like colors, washes colors out in an amber like color
Blue Tone:
More blue like tinge to pictures, darker, more sharp than a wash out effect

Well I hope that helped some people....
But yeah, this is how I edit my photos really :)
All I do is brighten, contrast, and one more effect really.

E-mail or comment if you have suggestions or questions!

-hugs and smiles-

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How To's: T-shirt Reconstruction (1) 3 Cut V's

Left is the new one, right is old
Well, since you guys know I love to cut things up all the time, obviously, I got bored today with a pair of scissors and a shirt.
Oh by the way, small mini rant about my conditioner, they changed it =_=
My old favorite scent from Herbal Essences was Acai Berry and Satin.
It's now Moroccan Rose and Passion Fruit...

Moving forward... ahem.
Today, I was just about to take a shower and then.. BAM!
Saw the t-shirt that my friend gave me a while back and thought, eh.
I can do something to it.
I have a habit of wearing loose t-shirts because they're so comfortable.
You can probably notice that a ton of my shirts are loose on the shoulders in my pictures I take.
But I thought I should show you guys some ways I reconstruct my own shirts!
I'll do a few of these this summer since hey, t-shirts = summer right? ^-^

So, let's start cutting things up!
(Disclaimer: If you ruin a shirt, I hold no liability or responsibility to the damage on that shirt.... seriously, don't sue me for ruining your own shirt please....)

3 Cut V's
What it is: Literally you'll be cutting 3 V's into the shirt
What Bunneh likes: Can have the sleeves going off or on or whatever!

Materials Needed:
t-shirt you think needs a make-over
a brain

Grab your t-shirt!
I personally picked out this one as you can see right here
Pro halloween cup for colored pencils I know right? >_<
First step is lay it on a flat surface and make sure the seams are even and meet up.
Cut off the neckline if your t-shirt has one (most likely)
Oops. I didn't even out the seams, haha my bad. Looks like a halo though?
This is literally what the end product is going to look like, and yes, the V's will have blunt ends
Ouch... I suck at drawing onto pictures with my track pad....
My shirt had this triangle already so I used it as a base for my V-neck. 
I cut out triangle slits on both sides. 
Stretch the new cuts out.
(As in, pull on the cuts you made so the fabric just.. yeah.)
What you should see is this.
You can see all the pieces I cut out so far
At this point, just try it on, use a pencil to mark how low you want to go, or where you want the slits.
Adjust accordingly to your body shape.
For mine, I cut further to the sleeves, I thinned out the small strips so it was like a halter, sort of.
I had to restitch the seams at the strips though since the thread was weak or something.
Keep stretching out the new cuts in the shirt.
Biggest tip for shirt reconstructing is just keep stretching those lines out.
Here are pictures of the final product after you do all that!

Close up and heck yeah, no makeup! 
Mirror shot, sorry for the white on the mirror, it's paint splatters from when I painted =_=
Any tips on getting paint off mirrors? Haha.
Leaning against the wall type of pic... 'cause you know, everyone has one.
Any questions, feel free to ask!
E-mail or comment as per usual!

-hugs and smiles-

The Contacts vs. Glasses Review/Guide: Pros, Cons, Care, and Misc.

The Contacts vs. Glasses Review/Guide:
Pros, Cons, Care, and Misc.
To be brief, I'll just say this.
This post is going to be a review/guide with my own experiences.
If you're here only to read which is better, this isn't the post for you.
There's always a convenient 'x' on either the left or right side of your browser :)

Both are great if you can use them, and I definitely do recommend both or either one of them.
(Then again, not like you have a choice either way)
But both serve different purposes, and both have their pros, and cons.

In this post, I'll also include how to keep care of either of them, and safety issues and more.
I do hope you guys stay safe with these.
Your eyes are important, and they're delicate.
If you screw them up, you're literally screwed probably for life.

Let's get going!
-hugs and smiles-

Bunneh's Eye History
For me, I got my first glasses 8 years ago.
I started messing around with colored contacts about 3-4 years ago, but I was really more of a collector rather than a user of them at the time.
I used contacts occasionally but I didn't really have long-term contacts.
Finally this year was really when I began to use long-term contact lenses.

My eyes are typically moist, without contacts or with contacts.
They once in a while get slightly dry, but otherwise my eyes are always moist.
I never use eye drops.

I should mention I have astigmatism.

What they are: Lens you place on your eye
What Bunneh likes: No need to worry about glasses breaking or falling off your face!

You can look anywhere and not lose sight of anything (like if you look up with glasses, its blurry)
Easy to put in (once you get the hang of it)
Typically comfortable or un-noticable
Can completely change your appearance
No need to have metal on your face
Less acne due to the frames of glasses
Easier to apply make-up with

Can dry your eyes out
Can infect the eye if not taken care well of
Pain to take care of and watch over
Have to be careful with keeping care of them
Takes a good 3-5 minutes of your time to put them in, and again to take them out
Chance of infection is higher

 Left to right in order from  left to right.
I am currently using Air Optix for Astigmatism from Ciba Vision which came in a 6 month supply for left eye and right eye.
These are soft lens, not hard, so they can breathe.
Air Optix for Astigmatism and case

You can even sleep in these lens in case you were so tired you just fell asleep right after school or work.
I have a bad habit of forgetting to take them out for days (don't do that... just saying.) because of that.
They're prescription so head over to your local optometrist and get your eye exam done!

Taking care of contacts

Well this one should seem easy to cover.
But its the one that many people don't follow, causing injuries, infections, etc.
I have to admit, I'm no angel either.
I break plenty of rules I should be doing with my contacts!
As long as you do at least the basics, you should be fine.

When you have contacts, you're going to need to clean them before you put them in your eyes, and after you take them out.
Do not use water with your contacts, ever!
Water has minerals and all sorts of things that will damage the contacts and can become a place where bacteria can easily grow and breed.
It should be obvious to never use saliva on your contacts, for heavens sake, it came from YOUR MOUTH, it's DISGUSTING AND UNHYGIENIC.

No, what you should use is solution made for contacts.
I personally have used 3 different solutions:

- Aquify Multi-Purpose Solution
- renu Fresh Multi-Purpose Solution
- Bio-True Multi-Purpose Solution

Out of those three, I personally found the Aquify more gentle with my eyes.
With renu it was not as gentle as Aquify was.
Bio-True is just an okay solution, it's not great but not bad.

 Self cleaner vial
Since we covered solutions, cases!
There are many types of cases.
There are the typical cases where you clean them out, fill them with solution, clean your own contacts, and all that other good stuff.
But there are other ways to store your contacts.
New technology lets vials/containers/cases clean your contacts for you by just popping your contacts into the case and then they just clean it for you! :)
I have a self cleaner one, which you can see at the left.
Though I like to use the normal typical cases still.

As with most contacts, what you would first do to handle contacts is wash your hands in warm/hot water and soap.
Make sure there is nothing on your hands that can get on your contacts.
Never put in contacts with unclean hands.
There is then an extremely high chance of infection.

Put your contact in your non-dominant hand and get 2-3 drops of solution on it.
(This is in the palm of your hands)
With a finger, lightly clean the lenses, making sure there is nothing on it (e.g fabric, icky eye build ups, etc), and rub them lightly.
Finally you can put them in.
It's okay to have them inside out, but it can sting or hurt.
When they are the correct way, it'll look like a perfect bowl, not lop-sided.
Repeat on the other eye.

Clean your case after use of contacts with sterile solutions or wash with really hot water and just air dry it.
Ask your doctor about how long you should have your contacts in.
Contacts typically range from under 8 hours and above.
It really depends on the lenses.
You might get lenses that you can sleep in (like I do) or you might just have typical lenses which you can't do that with... (and please don't.)

When you finally are ready to take your contacts out, wash your hands with warm water and soap again like earlier.
Like previously, put your contact in the non-dominant hand and put 2-3 drops of solution on it and rub, cleaning away proteins and other icky stuff from it.
Put the cleaned contacts in the correct side of the clean case.
Fill the case with solution and cap it off.
Repeat to the other eye/lens.


Contacts are becoming more and more popular and more common these days.
The cost of contacts is lowering and its availability now is also a trend around many places around the world.
Colored contacts are available online for low prices, and it is opening up eyes around the world.
Personally, I love circle lens because they enlarge the eye and enhance it.
But that's just me, go around and experiment!
(Just make sure to read the reviews and make sure the sites are actually real)
For circle lens, I currently ordered from personally.
I'm waiting to get mine in the mail now!
(And no, that is not a sponsored message =__=)

What they are: Frames that hold (prescription) lenses
What Bunneh likes: Different styles, different shapes, etc!

You can get pretty much any design you want out there (considering your budget)
Comes and goes with fashion trends
Can change how you look (good or bad)
Easy to put on
Is in trend currently
Can be considered "cute" or "sexy"
Any age group can easily use glasses.. well.. besides babies.

No clear vision where the lens end (e.g looking up, sideways, etc)
Can break easily
Wrong frames can make you look like.... well you know....
Can enlarge parts of the face you did not want to enlarge (e.g nose, sharp cheekbones, etc)
Can look funny (e.g make eyes look abnormally huge, etc)
Gets in the way of sports

For the past... oh what is it now...
Nearly 3 years now, I've been using KLiink Denmark glasses.
I'm not sure what number/letters I should be looking at to identify the glasses I'm wearing though...
They're rectangle framed, dark black/olive color on the outside of the frame and green on the inside.
There's also this interesting metal twist on the outside of the frames as you can see in the first picture I provided.
Uhh yup.
Moving on.....

Taking care of glasses

Out of the two, glasses are by far the easiest to take care of.
The downside is if you make the fatal mistake of snapping/breaking them, you're screwed.
Really all you have to do with them is clean the lenses (I always lost the lenses fabric cleaner thing, so I used whatever shirt I was wearing...) and just make sure to clean off oils from your face.
You don't want to have a line of pimples around the area your glasses touch your face.
Just store them carefully in the case (most glasses come with a case) and you should be just fine.
That's really all there is to it really....
OH I should mention, be careful too.
If you're doing sports, you can easily get your glasses broken or get poked in the eye.
It hurts, trust me.


Fail attempt at trying to look scene for a friend of mine.......
.... Awkward.. not cute....
Before, glasses used to be unpopular and used as a way to tease another person.
Those days are gone, or mostly gone at least.
Seriously, glasses are making a come back and they are seeeeexy on the runway.
Or really adorable/cute.
(Though they look terrible on me lol....)
There are so many frames you can choose from, and it's a long term deal.
Way longer than contacts.
To be honest, when I'm too lazy to have contacts in, I'll just go around the house in just a ponytail and glasses, it's extremely comfortable.

Well I hope this review/guide helped you guys in some shape or form, and questions, feel free to ask!

Mac: Bootcamp (Part 1)


Written for a friend of mine!
Plus for anybody else suffering with their Macbook Pro's on how to get Bootcamp working to play games like PWI or anything else PC supported.
Or for people really who just want Windows on their Macs for some reason.


To explain briefly, I've been a Mac user for years and I absolutely love it.
Except for one thing:

*throws Macbook Pro out the window*

(Please do not throw anything out the window and I hold no responsibility over any damage done to any Mac related products or harm/injury caused by doing so)
Beyond that point, Apple is kind enough to let us play those games.
(If not, I doubt many PC users would convert to Macs)
They have their own program, Bootcamp, that is used to balance either operating systems of choice.
I definitely recommend Bootcamp over Parallel, Crossover, etc.
Many programs have their own variations of how to get Windows onto a Mac.
Or just have Windows games be playable directly on the current operating system of Mac.
But honestly, those lag, glitch up way too much, etc.
Not worth the price.

Did I mention Bootcamp comes free with your Mac?

Awesome huh?
I personally used Bootcamp most for the game PWI (Perfect World International)
PWI is one of the perfect examples of why Bootcamp is existing.
It's completely PC supported, no Mac supported versions to download.
If you go to the Support section, there is definitely no help for Mac users.
Literally all you'll get is "Talk to other players"

I used Bootcamp from the 3 years I played it and its always worked.
However, I do warn this.
When you run games on Bootcamp, you might/will have overheating issues.
I personally always did and they always overheated the laptop to the point of dying months later.
Get a cooling mat, don't think it won't happen to you.
Do you want to lose that $1199 or more laptop?
I didn't think so.

So, here's a small guide on how to use Bootcamp.
It's only a Part 1 because I forgot to find my Windows Vista CD
(Don't blame me... it's 2:11AM...)
I hope this helps you, any questions feel free to comment, e-mail, or... whatever.
Just don't try to find out my number and text... now that's creepy haha.
No really, it is.


What you'll need:
A Mac computer/laptop
Windows CD (e.g. Vista, 7, etc)
OS X Leopard Installation DVD

When your Mac is set up and ready to go, look for Applications.
Applications is in the pink rectangle in the dock. It's always in the same place next to Documents

When you open up Applications, scroll down....... (next picture)
Click on the Utilities folder
Applications scrolled down to the bottom
In Utilities, locate Bootcamp Assistant and open it
Shown in the pink rectangle
From here on out, just grab your Windows CD, and follow the instructions.
Bootcamp starter window
I know, that wasn't really much of a guide if at all.
But even a little bit I thought would be helpful to some people.
I'll add Part 2 once I grab my Windows CD sometime today or in the next few days.
Depending when I have time, of course.

Hope this helped!
As I said earlier, if you have any further questions on anything or about any of these, ask!

-hugs and smiles-

365 Day Challenge: Day 32

My chickeh fell off of my phone!
The ring opened up and it dropped my chickeh!
Thank gawd I found the ring and my chickeh :)
Just opened the ring a bit more with my pliers and re-closed it tightly :)
Going to have to buy a tougher ring aren't I...

Day 32:
Here's another picture :D
How to for the shirt coming up in a bit ^-^
Light went through the window right at this picture so....:D
-hugs and smiles-