Friday, June 24, 2011

Update 24 June 2011! Plus new things!

Hey guys!
Here is another update considering we're near the end of June!

To start off, I was surprised to open up my e-mail and see a lot of comments/questions/suggestions.
Definitely thought I'd see none....
Sorry for just seeing them, I'll be replying back to you guys as soon as possible!
(Don't be afraid to use the comments under the posts by the way ^-^)
Some topics I've been asked to do or suggestions that I'm planning to do are:

Threading: What it is and Basics
Eating Disorders
Hair Care Guide
Contacts vs. Glasses
Sunscreen: Health and Usage
What "I" think Beauty is
Summer Craft Projects
Sewing: 101
Jewelry: Basics, How To's, etc.
Organizing Clothes
Electronics: Taking apart laptops
Environment: How to help go Eco!

Well, I'm pretty scared to try threading but hey... sounds painful fun :D
I did have a small post about EDs from my old blog (the one I went under as Star), but I'll go deep into it this.
Hair care is pretty simple, expect that one soon and the glasses and contacts, I'll show you guys my prescription and everything!
I'm excited to make up new craft ideas soon again!
(Thank goodness some of you remembered I do crafts)
Though I can't wait to take apart a laptop.... 

Moving on! :D
Lately I have been just looking at new things and decided, hey, I'm going to do something new this summer!
I am planning on going gal/gyaru this year!
Expect to see full blown gal by the end of this year
(I'll write a post on that too.... haha)

The 365 Day Challenge is going pretty interesting. I have 21 posts for 27 days... eek!
Need to work on that don't I?
I might just instead start adding some how to's and guides into my challenges so they're more fun to write out for me!

Now, here are some new things I'm getting/have now!

A new sewing machine, YAAAAAY!!!!
Expect to see lots and lots of how to's for looks soon once I get that one!
I'll write a review for my new one soon too.
Some new circle lens, hey, I am going gal/gyaru, I need the big eyes!
(Ordered from, I'll write a review on them too once I get them)
I'll be going on a major shopping spree soon, expect to see an entire post on just clothes!
I'm guilty of buying Natural Aqua Gel Cure, I've always wanted to see if it actually works...
Got a tablet for draaaaawing :D.... but I lost the pen T.T
Got a new Audio-Technica USB Cardioid Condensor Mic like 3 months ago?
I've been meaning to write a review but I forgot to... oops!
This laptop for one (the new 2011 Macbook Pro 13")
So much better than my other laptops I've had.
My phone I've had for like, nearly a month now!
(It's the HTC Inspire)

Beyond that, I pretty much just got other random things (like new hammers, a saw... no seriously, a new saw), etc.

Well, that's it for this update!

Feel free to continue sending me e-mails on anything really! ^-^

-hugs and smiles-

1 comment:

  1. Ahaha, I thought the same thing about threading when I heard about it, but actually, threading doesn't hurt at all. It may give a little pinch to it when the the threads are pulling off the hair, but it's actually quite convenient. Other than that, I can't wait for your posts.
