Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mid-summer Randomness!

Instead of cam-whoring as per usual, I've been taking miscellaneous pictures of parts of my summer.
Here you go, enjoy!
(P.S. You can just skip all the writing I write and just look at the pictures)
-hugs and smiles-

Well, I started picking up ballet and jazz again this year after 5 years of being absent from that part of dancing.... but I have also started tap. I absolutely love it! I love doing side shuffles haha, it's so intriguing and I feel like a 3 year old child picking up a new fluffy stuff animal, it makes me so happy.

Another part of my summer has been... either food or an absence of it... but besides that, my favorite summer fruit this year has to be......

-drum roll-

Look at 'em! ^-----^

Look at those and tell me that they're NOT gorgeous... and I swear I will throw my ballet shoes at you! >:
They're so yummy and juicy, I wonder how those (extremely) fail companies made up that fake cherry taste... though I do love cherry chapstick still!

This summer I also had the chance to try these cake pops, it's made out of crumbled cake dipped in chocolate!
I had these at a meeting downtown and they were absolutely just lovely!

Was re-reading Angels and Demons 
One thing that I absolutely detest is iced coffee or anything that has coffee + ice. I always love hot drinks, if the weather is cold OR hot for me! I found this coffee shop near where I went to the meeting and it was just lovely. It also had a bar in there (no, I do not drink alcohol haha) and it had an interesting smokey atmosphere.
Hippie much?
But the mocha coffee I had there was great! It was not overly done sweet with all those chocolate syrups over the cream or anything (too many calories, sorry Starbucks), but it was simple, clean, and delicious. So glad, it had this slight bitter like coffee taste but the mocha taste was there. Simple mocha, can't go wrong with that.

Since we're on food, might as well stay on it. I absolutely love bagels, and they're my life.............. chocolate chip bagels from Einstein Bagels and whipped cream cheese = happiness!

Can I say, Qdoba?

sorry for making it look disgusting, haha
Only place I will eat rice from I swear...... because it's not just rice, haha. I always get the vegetarian burrito I think.. I'm not sure what it is called on the menu though, haha.

Uh, any more food....

If you consider candy food, here you go.
m&m and skittles!
I love those 25 cent candy dispenser things, where you put a quarter in and you turn it. I turn them so slow, a snail could pass me before I'm done!

Well, I'll leave it at that.
Hope everyones summer is going well!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Update 28 July 2011

Well, as you guys can tell, I'm taking a complete break from 365 Day Challenge's until I know I'm more mentally prepared AND physically prepared and able to do it.
However, here is an update!

I'll be posting another Artistry review for the following products:
Magnetic makeup case (Re-doing it)
Another product that I forgot currently that I'll edit in here later...

Also I'll be posting a guide on skirt making 101!

I'm also planning on making a cute pencil case so watch out for that too!

Cellphone charms coming up too in a week or two ^-^

In August I'll be posting a back to school guide for those who are nervous or freaking out!
Will also be making a simple makeup look for that too....

Few other things, I'll re-edit this post later, I'm in a rush actually, have to rush downtown in half an hour and I haven't even started getting dressed!

OH and last update for now until I re-edit this, I'll be redecorating the website soon so.. if you see strange things.... ignore it for now ;)

-hugs and smiles-
Bunneh (with a heart that I can't post at the moment since I gotta run LOL)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Blog: Suicide

With all the stuff going on in the news, from the bombing and shootings in Oslo, Norway to Amy Winehouse, all you hear on the news is death, death, death now.

I had been writing up a blog post about the incidents of Oslo and Winehouse but I decided to instead post about suicide due to what just happened to me in real life.
A friend from middle school yesterday at 22:00 posted on Facebook that he was going to kill himself.
His status went like this:

i cant take it anymore.....
fuck my life who needs it cuz i dont im just a waste of time eveyone im sorry.....bye

After several comments, he deactivated his Facebook.

Before I continue on with this post, let me say this.
My views on suicide are impacted by my own experiences, acquaintances, friends who are alive or dead, and so much more.
I view suicide as a sad event, but I am not anti-suicide.
I believe that if a person chooses to take their own life by themselves or by physician assisted death, it is their own choice.
However I try to stop as many people as I can who are feeling suicidal if I know the reasoning behind it can be changed in the future or that it is something that takes time.
I have never called 911 ever for a person who was suicidal.
That is, until yesterday.

You see, my friend, we'll call him... M for Mostamazingpersonwhohastobefound.
My friend M has this amazing personality, and he listens to whoever talks to him.
He has always been so easy to talk to and at school, we'd always be like this:

"Hey Bunneh!"
"Hey M!"
"How are you today!"
"Great! We totally HAVE to hang out sometime"

I wish I had said so many things now.
We never did end up hanging out after middle school was over.

He is this amazing singer, and his own uncle hired him to sing at his bar.
His voice just makes you fall apart when you least expected it.
I hope he's still singing.

Moving on, here are what I would had responded to each of his comments if it had been in a private message (he deactivated his Facebook account quick after a few more people had started writing on his status)

ok im stopping all the bull crap thats what everybody want me to do so thats what im doing....

This was said after someone said "M stop ok"
First off, the first person who posted on his status makes me angry.
The last thing you should say is to tell them to stop.
You should have tried to calm him down you f**king idiot (excuse my language)
To M, it's not bull crap that you're feeling that way.
To anybody, your feelings, your reactions, none of it is bull crap.
Nobody wants you to stop living.
Trust me, I have been told so many times the following:

"You should kill yourself"
"Not dead yet?"
"I bet your mom is sorry you were born"
"You should hang yourself"
"Go jump off a cliff"
"Shoot yourself for the better good"
"Stab yourself sometime"

To anybody, anybody else who has felt that or has been told that, don't listen to it.
Don't listen to that person, if it is yourself telling that or another person.
They don't know who you are, what you have been through.
Do you really want them to "win" that "game" since it really isn't a game at all.
If anybody tells you that, it is completely out of line and it is ridiculous.
They are pathetic, weak, and the only power they have over you are a weak choice of words that would put anybody down.

Here is something for you to know.
When you tell yourself you want to die, your body will fight it as much as it can.
Your body is still fighting for you even though you decided you lost the fight.
When your body is dying, the mind tries to fight it off for as long as it can.
No matter what, some part of your body is always going to be fighting for you until the very end, which I dearly hope will not be soon.

If you are feeling suicidal and you just have to talk to someone, but once you talk to them, they react like.....:

"Dude, what the f**k, suicide is for freaks"
"You're not going to kill yourself get a grip"
"Are you emo?"

First off, who the hell are these people.
Your friends?
Hell, no.

If you cannot depend on a person when it comes to feelings, try this.
Write yourself a long, long letter of everything you are feeling.
Write down everything, draw, scribble, whatever.
Once you're all done, put it in an envelope.
From there, either drop it off in a box or burn it in a fire.

There are so many things you can do if you put your mind on it.
It is so hard to get your mind off of suicide.
It sounds like bliss, a new life, whatever you feel.
But you have to stop yourself.
To this day, I still do think suicidal often, but do I act upon it?
I refuse to act upon a feeling that I feel that will go away sooner or later, even if a temporary relief from that feeling.
Even that glimpse of not feeling depressed or suicidal for me is like a reward.
It gives me hope that if it happens once, it will happen again.

who cares about how i feel its not like no one wants me around it seems like everyone is just leaving me and throwing me away and i think i should do the same

M, read what you just wrote to yourself.
Who cares?
So many people do.
Don't let your mind take over your actions, and cloud your judgement.
I take suicidal thinking like being drunk.
It clouds your judgement and leads you to stupid things.
People will always constantly leave you in life, throw you away once they find better things,  etc.
But there will ALWAYS be people who will come into your life.
There are people in your lives that notice you, think about you, care for you.

Think of it like a crush who doesn't really know you.
You have a crush, but they don't know you or know that you do have one.
See the point?

I won't copy and paste the next one because it is personal and has names in it.
His dad died and that was all he had left.
But think about it.
You were born, if you like it or not.
You're one in a billion.
Why not take a chance and see where you go?

Death holds a huge place in your mind.
I don't know.
I'm still iffy on hearts.
I have been surrounded by death all my life.
I have wanted to die so many times because I felt so guilty for the people who have died in my life.
That last time I could had talked to them, but didn't.
The last time that I could had said how much I loved them, but I screamed at them to get away from my life.
The ones who didn't even know what hit them.
It goes on and on.

But would those people want you dead?
Would those people have told you "Go kill yourself too"?
If so, find new friends.
But else, think about it.
They had no say in their deaths, if it was accidental.
If it was suicide, what is the point of following in their paths?
Just because you have no one left does not mean that nobody depends on you.

Without realizing it, you yourself may be a role model for someone in your life.
What would happen if you died?

Anyways, long post is long, and it is 02:54 and I have to wake up at 06:30 and dance until 12-13 so....
Goodnight, morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever time it is over there as you read this.
Please, please breathe.
The best thing you can do for yourself is breathe and try to get to the base of what is causing all this.

-hugs and smiles-

P.S. I am in no way trying to influence others to be suicidal, depressed, etc. It is not a 'cool' thing, it is something that is real, that exists, and can happen at a moments time. I posted this in case others are under the same situation.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Blog: Relationships, Mr. Bunneh, Lesbian, Hearts, Endings, and Beginnings

Oops... never meant to post that... sorry... was totally delusional at the time.... crazy from lack of sleep aaaaanyways...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

365 Day Challenge: Day 50 Sick

Urgh I'm sick -__-
And completely sore from the dancing yesterday XD
Errr... I know I have a picture I took earlier like around 00:15 or something....
I'll edit this post with it later... so tired T__T
Sorry for being a party pooper on day 50 :(

Day 50:

-hugs and smiles-

Friday, July 15, 2011

Review: Artistry Colour Palette (aka, magnetic makeup palette)

Artistry Colour Palette
What it is: Magnetic makeup palette you can put your eyeshadows, plus, etc in
Bunneh's Rating: ♥/

Useful to keep a good chunk of your make-up in one single palette
Can change the design/interior with the magnetic blocks/lines
Comes with nice labels to keep track of what you're using
Nice design with the clear view of your makeup and what's in it (I personally bought 2 for now, for warm colors and cool colors or whatever I feel like :D)
Great for those organizing freaks like me! ^-^

The dividers/organizers
Did not like the clasp to open the case
Scared to drop it and have it shattered everywhere...
Not the strongest magnetic palette, just saying

I must say, to confused readers of the 2/3 's, I'm confused myself on this product.
I'm crying on the inside really.
There is no doubt that it is a great, wonderful idea, to put a magnetic sheet inside an empty case to put in all your make-up, eyeshadows, blush, whatever.
You can just stick whatever you need in it, and have it anywhere.
You can organize it however you feel like, there are dividers which you can use to further help organize your makeup into sections however fit you feel they should be.
Just one thing.
The product did not reach the expectations of the idea.

The two I bought, one is opened, other is not yet (or will be)
I personally bought two of these.
The box was simply marked with Artistry Colour Palette.
Can I say I love simplicity in designs, aka, why I love how Artistry packages everything?
Anyways, when it comes to organizing makeup I'm a mess.
I like to organize my shades, seasons, occasions, sparkle, matte, etc.
So you can tell everything is everywhere.
Aka, why I bought two palettes.
It'd be a great way to put some of my favorite key shadows or blushes together.

The palette has a nice look to it.
It's not a shiny black so it looks classy.
The case is a hard plastic unless I'm told otherwise.
The cover has a rectangle clear plastic to see everything in it with the words Artistry in the corner with gold (as most Artistry products are typically labeled).
For the clasp that opens and closes the case, I'm not exactly loving it.
The clasp used to shut/open the case
I personally would had loved something like my Macbook Pro, heavy yet sturdy, but easy to open without fumbling to open it up.
To open, you press down, and then lift the cover up.
I don't know why, but I just don't like it.
But hey, a girl can't complain, as long as the makeup is secure, it's all good.

Fail tape, eyeshadow surrounded
One thing I absolutely want to rage about are the dividers/organizers.
The double sided tape they used to connect the plastic pieces with the metal sheet is TERRIBLE.
First thing I noticed when I opened up this palette is that the metal backings were separated from the plastic pieces, which made me ask the question, "Is this how it is supposed to be"
Obviously, it wasn't.
I'm going to have to superglue these or something, which makes me angry that I have to even in the first place.
Fail with the divider/organizers Amway, really.
Work on that.

I also am questioning the strength of the magnetic sheet.
I do not trust it at all what so ever if I were to accidentally flip this over.
I would not trust it to hold my makeup if I were to toss it into my bag and have it be on the go.
Unless I put some type of extremely thin foam or whatever on top (thus, ruin the entire point of the clear plastic to show the entire case) when I take it on the go, I don't trust it to be able to go with me anywhere, if, at all.
To test out the strength, I put in an eyeshadow from one of my Estée Lauder duos.
Eyeshadow alone, when I flipped it over and did a few things, it barely had even a chance to stick on.
The nail I used to test the strength with
When I surrounded it with dividers, it finally stayed on.
WIth a nail, I did the exact same test.
The nail stayed on for a much, much longer time and it held onto the magnetic sheet far better than the eyeshadow did for sure.
But it still fell off at random points.

I'm not sure if I should like this product or not.
However, I do have a few tips if you were to buy and use this.
Buy eyeshadows with a more thicker metal so it sticks better onto the magnetic sheet than a flimsy metal.
Get super glue, lots, and lots of it.
Kidding, just enough to glue on the metal sheets back onto the dividers/organizers.
Possibly buy metal sheets to cut up and stick under your eyeshadow/blush/etc 
(=___= Not. Happy. At all.)

Close up of the magnetic sheet, it is an off black color.
To anybody from Amway, great idea with the magnetic sheet.
But in all honesty, fail product for its worth.
Will not be buying again unless I hear of improvements or changes in the strength of the magnetic sheet and that the dividers with the metal sheets are actually put together rather than just taped.
Seriously, I bought this product, I expected it to be nicer than if I were to make this at home.

Anyways, I'm thinking of going ghetto with this palette by buying a stronger magnetic sheet or something, rip out the one that is currently in it (unless it's fused together... then I'm screwed) and install a better sheet in it.
I'm really disappointed by how this palette had all the chances to be the top, but sunk.

Overall, I don't hate it or love it, but I like it.
Would I buy it again?
Heck yes if they changed it/upgraded it and it became better.
Else, I don't recommend buying more than one.
Test out one, see if you like it, if you don't, didn't waste too much, if you like it, good for you!
I recommend this for people with messy organization skills with makeup (like me) or people who would like to organize their makeup in a more simple/professional way.... yeah.
I'm so stuck with the rating for this really.
Sorry to those who are like "WTF girl, just give a straight yes or no on how you love/hate this product"

-hugs and smiles-

P.S. Love the stickers though! :D

365 Day Challenge: Day 49 Ballet..... uuuuuugh

Hey guys!
I did tell you guys I'm restarting dance, as in, ballet, jazz, and now tap, right?
Anyways... had a full 2 hour lesson relearning all my ballet and jazz....
I forgot how much it hurt to point your toe and everything >_<
But hey, at least I'm still flexible... right?
But I blame track for teaching me the wrong way to jump in the air and leap, dance style that is.
So. Sore.
Dance uses different muscles sadly..... =_=
This is gonna be a pain once the school year starts again, I signed myself up for weight training... LOL.
Whoa tomorrow is day 50?
Time to go camw***ing tomorrow!

Day 49:
Before the ballet/jazz lesson... uuuugh -_- my ankles are so weak I swear.
Had buttered noodles from Noodles & Co. today :)
-hugs and smiles-

365 Day Challenge: Day 48 Asian biscuit things... Yam Yam?

Got distracted, late post again!
Been watching dance covers all day long anyways....
(check out Hyuna's new song Bubble Pop... and tell me what you think of it....)

Today, I got my dance leotard, ballet, jazz, and tap shoes.
Going to be restarting dance in the fall.
Have a 2 hour lesson tomorrow too, and an entire day of classes on Monday to make sure what level of dance I am again for those.
Haha, haven't stepped in ballet shoes in 5 years nearly >_<

After I went to some Asian grocery store or something.
I'm not sure.
But I bought these interesting treats.
It's like these stick biscuits and you dip them in this chocolate thing.
It was hilarious, there was this typo xD
Here's the pictures!

Day 48
Oh now I remember why I meant to take this picture.. forgot to smile, got my chains in my braces changed today to hot pink! :D
"Whale Biggesy Mammal" LOL.
Aren't they so adorable?
But lawl at the "muuuu" XD moo?
-hugs and smiles-

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

365 Day Challenge: Day 47

Nothing really to say today.
Probably going to start sewing today though

Day 47
My hair today... ignore my half swollen face... sick xD
Sheesh I look miserable today..............
-hugs and smiles-

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

365 Day Challenge: Day 46

Instead of a picture... here's a "picture" I suppose :)
You guys will need an app on a phone with a camera that can read codes!
I'll write up a post about it sometime ^-^!

Day 46
^-^ Neat how people can write messages with these don't you think?
-hugs and smile-

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tutorial: Typical Dance Make-up

As you guys know, my sister, mum, and I dance.
However I don't do ballet or ballroom personally....
My sister does ballet, jazz, tap, modern, lyrical, all the good stuff.
For an easily usable look for any dance, there's the typical dramatic brown eyeshadow look.
What it really is, is just a 3 eyeshadow eye look with an optional winged eyeliner.
Aka, the typical dance make-up.
So, using my sister as a model (she had a ballet/tap/jazz performance twice this weekend), here is how to do this look!
(P.S. By the way, she's only 12. I know, I absolutely hate her eyebrows too. But please don't criticize her
on how she looks. Seriously. Who here actually looked "perfect" at 12? Not me. I was full speed into puberty and growing at the time.)

Typical Dance Make-up
Day 1 of 2, no liner on the waterline.
And wow... what the heck did the camera/light do to the lipstick... fail.
Make-up used for this look:
(List of products used will be listed at the end of the post)
Foundation and powder
Pigmented light brown cream eyeshadow
Dark matte brown eyeshadow
Shimmery pearl/white eyeshadow
Red lipstick
Optional: Eyeshadow primer/base, fill in brows

I will automatically be assuming you have a set of brushes, so I will not be listing brushes in this tutorial.
Before you do make-up, obviously wash your face, toner, then moisturize.

For her foundation, I used Artistry balancing foundation in the shade Ochre 65
It's an interesting pump, just need to pump it once to get enough out for a typical day.
I had to pump twice so I could fully cover her entire face and her neck
Warm up the foundation on the back of your hand.
You can either just use a sponge directly from the foundation onto the skin and blend into the skin.
You can apply foundation with a foundation brush, and then smooth out the lines with the sponge.

Being done with all that foundation, just set the foundation with powder so it doesn't slide or anything. Here I used Estée Lauder's double wear powder in the shade 1W2 Linen 14

To be honest, the shade was just a single shade off from her skin tone. Reason being was this is her winter make-up.. not her summer make-up.

With foundation and powder... wow her face looks red already haha.. it was so hot
Apply blush on the cheeks and fan up to sides of temples 
(think of an awkwardly shaped tear drop.. kind of...)
With that we should be done with the face...
Easy enough to do right?
At this point we'll be doing eyeshadow.
If you'd like, you can apply eyeshadow primer or base to help the make-up last longer.
Get a creme pigmented eyeshadow in a light brown like color.
With your ring finger, lightly dab the top of the pigment (literally just touch the pigment, and you'll get enough) and apply on the lids.
Repeat on both eyes.
After you finish both eyes, put the matte dark brown eye shadow and put directly onto the corners of the eyelids like so....

Looks really ugly at the moment right?
You must be thinking "WTH is she thinking!?!"
Nah, you're not going to look like this.
With a thin slightly pointed brush, blend the dark eye shadow, following your eye socket.
After blending the dark brown eye shadow
If needed to, put more of the dark shadow on the brush, tap off the excess, and blend more until you reach the amount you want.

With a brush, apply the white shimmery eyeshadow (note, it must have some slight shimmer and/or it must not be 100% chalk white....) in the inner 1/3 of the eye makeup and from the bottom of the eyebrows to the top of the eyeshadow makeup.
I used Estée Lauders Pure Shadow EyeShadow in Tea Biscuit

After you finish both eyes, go grab a tiny thin brush and get some of the dark brown eyeshadow again.
Line your bottom with the brown.

With that done, use a black eyeliner and wing out the eyes.
I guess the wing is optional really, but my sister has monolids so we always do winged out eyeliner to open up her eyes.
Also line the inner 1/3 or half of the bottom waterline with the black eyeliner.

Well, that's really the tutorial!
You'd just apply red lipstick after.
Purchase the right colored lipstick for yourself.
My sister should be more of a coral red color but she's officially lost her lipstick...

Here is the official list of products that I personally used on my sister:
Artistry balancing foundation SPF/FPS 20 UVB/UVA - lotion in shade Ochre 65
Estée Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Place Powder Makeup in shade 1W2 Linen 14
Estée Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Place ShadowCreme in shade 04 Antique Gold
Estée Lauder Pure Color EyeShadow in shade 38 Chocolate AND 60 Tea Biscuit
Artistry Eye Define in shade Noir
Estée Lauder Pure Color Crystal Lipstick in shade 354 Passion Fruit

-hugs and smiles-

365 Day Challenge: Day 45 Random things I bought today

I was out almost all day since the afternoon.
I went to this pancake place I hadn't gone to in 2-3 years.
It's this friendly family styled restaurant that has been there for who knows how long.
I absolutely love blueberry waffles! :)

But... moving on from waffles...
Today I bought this adorable cute navy blue dress!
I got it from francesca's collections!
I love that shop, but only thing I hate is that literally all their clothes require belts.
Or that there were only like 3-5 pieces of small sized clothes.
I'm typically a XS or S, and even then, it's too big for me.
But there's always that one dress or top from there that fits me or I just fall in love with it!

Went to Jo-anne's Fabric Store after.
I bought these 2 different pieces of fabric for skirts!
Bought this adorable blue/white linen for one skirt that I'm going to make a skirt based off one of the patterns I bought today.
I bought this slate grey linen for another skirt!
I'm going to be making SecretLifeOfABioNerd's version of a baby doll sucker punch box pleated skirt with yoke ^-^
(Click here for her video tutorial)
Bought 4 cute buttons, elastic, invisible zipper, random tools, 500 pins....... yup!

Day 45:
ignore the mess of a room I have please.....
two patterns I bought, thinking of using them as a base for different projects for sure
The fabric for the skirts and the buttons plus zipper!
-hugs and smiles-

365 Day Challenge: Day 44

.... so like, I got no actual pictures of myself today.
Here's a sneak peak to my sisters make-up today I guess haha.
It's my hand, does that count? LOL

Day 44:
Artistry's balancing foundation!
Obviously my sisters shade, not mine.
-hugs and smiles-

Edit: Ew.
I just saw this page up hidden on my laptop...
It didn't send.
Just when I had planned on posting on the correct day :(

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mac: Bootcamp (Pictures for parts 1 & 2)

My previous bootcamp guide was nowhere near close to finish.
This will be half picture guide to detailed.
I will have photos that show you every step until the windows installation part.
I cannot screenshot once I get to the Windows installation guide so.... yup.
From there I'll have detailed explanations of what to do and what you'll be looking for.
If you cannot read any writing, feel free to request additional help.
To view a picture to its full size, press the command button then click on the picture.
It will in a new tab open up the picture.

Any questions, feel free to e-mail me at
However, I am not liable or will be responsible for the damage of any computers or laptops.
This post is meant to be used as a guide to help Mac users set up Windows on a Mac computer.
If you damage your Mac, or anybody else's that you are trying to set up for them, I hold no responsibility to any damages caused by attempting to set up bootcamp.
(So please.. don't sue me... seriously.)
If you don't like this guide, there is always an "x" button to close out this blog on the left or right corner of your web browser that is always conveniently there for you.

I hope this guide helps someone, good luck!

What it is: A free program that comes with ever mac computer or laptop that allows you to have windows on your computer and/or laptop. It is by far the best program for mac if you want to use window programs or games. Unlike other programs such as Parallel, Crossover, or the many others, it actually separates your computer/laptop into two complete different systems. Parallel, Crossover, and others are more like applications, thus, they can shut down, freeze, lag, etc.
I personally use bootcamp for games like PWI really.

Things you will need on hand:
A mac computer or laptop (duh)
Lots, and lots of time (about 3-7 hours)
Windows CD
Either a plain CD/disc or your Snow Leopard installation disc that came with your Mac
Space on your computer or laptop

By the way... I think this part right here if you did NOT have an installation disc like me is where you will need your blank CD/disc.
Kind of forgot... oops.
Correction on the screenshot, 20GB is not the lowest you can go. 
5GB is the lowest if I remember correct.
But 20GB should be by far the lowest you should go or you will have no space what so ever.
I definitely recommend at least 30GB if possible.
35GB for me since... I use more mac than I'll ever use windows.

From this point on, no screenshots, sorry!
The windows installation part is where a lot of issues happen for people.
I personally have never had issues.... but if you do, there are plenty of guides online that explain you through that.
I'll just skip along for those like me who never had issues.

What you'll do from this point now is put your Windows installation disc into your Mac.
It will automatically reboot itself into installing windows now.

Read the terms and licenses, or skip it like I do....
However, once you get to the part where it asks actually WHERE to install it,
(The question should ask "Where do you want to install Windows?")
"Disk 0 Partition 3: BOOTCAMP
If you screw this part up, you will literally wipe out Mac from your Mac... making it technically.. not a Mac anymore.. and well, unlucky person, screwed for life.
It may ask you if you want to continue on, saying it might wipe out any files or something.
Just keep on going, since nothing should be in the bootcamp partition in the first place.

From there you'll go through the typical procedures of installing windows, setting up your username, password, internet, product key, (I'm not sure what the order is, writing this from memory), etc.
Once you completely finish setting up windows and you get to the main screen, just put in the Snow Leopard installation disc, run Bootcamp, and it should install all the things you need for your Mac to actually use Windows.
(I'll edit here later once I remember the word... haha)

From there, you're done!

To switch from Mac to Windows, when you turn on your Mac laptop or computer, press the alt/option key right away before you see the grey/white screen.
You'll be able to choose if you want to start up with OS X or Windows.
Otherwise, it automatically starts up with OS X.

I hope this helped people!
Any questions or comments, or if you see any errors, comment or e-mail.
(E-mail is more preferable however)

Hope you have a great day!