Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mac: Bootcamp (Pictures for parts 1 & 2)

My previous bootcamp guide was nowhere near close to finish.
This will be half picture guide to detailed.
I will have photos that show you every step until the windows installation part.
I cannot screenshot once I get to the Windows installation guide so.... yup.
From there I'll have detailed explanations of what to do and what you'll be looking for.
If you cannot read any writing, feel free to request additional help.
To view a picture to its full size, press the command button then click on the picture.
It will in a new tab open up the picture.

Any questions, feel free to e-mail me at
However, I am not liable or will be responsible for the damage of any computers or laptops.
This post is meant to be used as a guide to help Mac users set up Windows on a Mac computer.
If you damage your Mac, or anybody else's that you are trying to set up for them, I hold no responsibility to any damages caused by attempting to set up bootcamp.
(So please.. don't sue me... seriously.)
If you don't like this guide, there is always an "x" button to close out this blog on the left or right corner of your web browser that is always conveniently there for you.

I hope this guide helps someone, good luck!

What it is: A free program that comes with ever mac computer or laptop that allows you to have windows on your computer and/or laptop. It is by far the best program for mac if you want to use window programs or games. Unlike other programs such as Parallel, Crossover, or the many others, it actually separates your computer/laptop into two complete different systems. Parallel, Crossover, and others are more like applications, thus, they can shut down, freeze, lag, etc.
I personally use bootcamp for games like PWI really.

Things you will need on hand:
A mac computer or laptop (duh)
Lots, and lots of time (about 3-7 hours)
Windows CD
Either a plain CD/disc or your Snow Leopard installation disc that came with your Mac
Space on your computer or laptop

By the way... I think this part right here if you did NOT have an installation disc like me is where you will need your blank CD/disc.
Kind of forgot... oops.
Correction on the screenshot, 20GB is not the lowest you can go. 
5GB is the lowest if I remember correct.
But 20GB should be by far the lowest you should go or you will have no space what so ever.
I definitely recommend at least 30GB if possible.
35GB for me since... I use more mac than I'll ever use windows.

From this point on, no screenshots, sorry!
The windows installation part is where a lot of issues happen for people.
I personally have never had issues.... but if you do, there are plenty of guides online that explain you through that.
I'll just skip along for those like me who never had issues.

What you'll do from this point now is put your Windows installation disc into your Mac.
It will automatically reboot itself into installing windows now.

Read the terms and licenses, or skip it like I do....
However, once you get to the part where it asks actually WHERE to install it,
(The question should ask "Where do you want to install Windows?")
"Disk 0 Partition 3: BOOTCAMP
If you screw this part up, you will literally wipe out Mac from your Mac... making it technically.. not a Mac anymore.. and well, unlucky person, screwed for life.
It may ask you if you want to continue on, saying it might wipe out any files or something.
Just keep on going, since nothing should be in the bootcamp partition in the first place.

From there you'll go through the typical procedures of installing windows, setting up your username, password, internet, product key, (I'm not sure what the order is, writing this from memory), etc.
Once you completely finish setting up windows and you get to the main screen, just put in the Snow Leopard installation disc, run Bootcamp, and it should install all the things you need for your Mac to actually use Windows.
(I'll edit here later once I remember the word... haha)

From there, you're done!

To switch from Mac to Windows, when you turn on your Mac laptop or computer, press the alt/option key right away before you see the grey/white screen.
You'll be able to choose if you want to start up with OS X or Windows.
Otherwise, it automatically starts up with OS X.

I hope this helped people!
Any questions or comments, or if you see any errors, comment or e-mail.
(E-mail is more preferable however)

Hope you have a great day!

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