Monday, July 4, 2011

Blog 3 July 2011: Life, random videos from Youtube, rants, yup!

Oh man, I haven't really blogged in ages.
Here's a blog for once.
It's kind of emotional in the beginning so if it makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip.
(For those skipping, I added in huge bold words "GOOD MUSIC" or if you don't want to listen to some good acapella, "LAUGHTER STARTS HERE" so you can just scroll until you see that)
Plus there's quite a few rants after a few videos.....
So just feel free to only click on the videos and skip all the writing... I'm in a ranting mood, if you can't tell.

A year ago, there was someone I met briefly, but changed my life.
I don't remember if I wrote about it on my old blog (I'll check my old blog later).
From late 2009 to summer of 2010, I was going in and out of hospitals.
It was the lowest part of my life I was at.
I was hospitalized for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicide attempts and intentions.
Even worse, I stopped going to school on purpose.
If I came to school twice a week even, my teachers would cheer for me like I won an award of some sort.
Only reason I passed my grade was due to some standardized testing I took that year.
I became a ghost (though, thank me for that, I started blogging majorly then, haha)

But there was this one time in the summer that I was on this bus.
It was a full bus, and this person sat right next to me.
I guess I had looked sad or distant, and the person started talking to me.
We talked about the book "The Scarlet Letter" and it soon led to societies standards, discrimination, etc.
I still wish to this day I had asked her for her number.
She gave me a CD and left the bus off her stop.
It's pretty stupid, and I don't recommend ever accepting a CD from someone ever, it could contain harmful materials of any sort.
Luckily for me, it was just music and a letter.
The first song I heard right off made me literally just cry in the first half minute of the song.
I highly recommend this song.
The song didn't stop me completely from everything.
I'm still an out-patient for depression and anxiety.
I still have my eating disorders.
But just the song helped so much, just the words hit me like a truck slamming into a steel wall....
I know a few people who have heard this song, and it has changed their life too.
You don't even have to be under emotional or physical stress either to be affected by this song.
Just listening to the words, you really question a lot of things.
Moving forward...


Err... awkward.
But anyways!
I felt like sharing a new musical find I found on Youtube!
Her Youtube name is newbeginning212
She only has 4,500 subscribers at time of writing this.
I honestly am shocked she only has that many.
I really hope she gets discovered and makes it big.
She covers a lot of songs all acapella and mixes it in garage band.
Insane huh?
So I just HAD to share her to you guys, seriously.

Here are a few favorites I love from her!

Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin (Acapella Cover)
This one isn't my favorite, cover wise.
I personally love her acapella multi-tracks better.
But I figured you guys would know this song better and appreciate it more.
So yup!

Meaningless Game - Lauren King
(It's an original)
I was going to put up her song Freeway.
But this song just touched me in a way that I just had to post this one.
It's a slower song yes, but the pace gets better once you get farther into the song.
Her voice gets so haunting at the end.
It just gives you this feeling, of heaviness, then it lifts out of nowhere.
I find myself tense when I hear this, because of the lyrics.
It hit me just in the right way.

But if you SERIOUSLY cannot handle the slower music or just acapella, here is a dubstep of Numb, featuring her vocals.

Numb - Linkin Park (Dubstep Remix)
(It's all her vocals that were used for the dubstep)
Great remix of the song, I prefer it to the real version now.
Definitely a happy find when I found this one.
(Plus, it IS the song that led me to her channel.... oops!)


Enough of music though, here is a hilarious random video for you guys to just enjoy laughing your butts off
(unless the MV is describing you... then I apologize.  Should be taken as a joke, the video that is)
Oh and also don't watch if you can't stand "inappropriate" words/pictures.
A few pictures are... awkward.
And there are a few words that might be offensive.

That Doesn't Make You A Model - Youtuber punchrobert
I just died laughing at this song and how serious the guy was.
But interesting video, that's for sure.

I want to rant here though
You know those people, the guys/girls who over pose every single picture?
You know, the girl/guys who photoshop the **** out of their pictures?
It's way past camw***ing there at that point.
I'm a camw**** but not to the point of photoshopping the absolutely **** out of them.
Then putting words all over the pictures "Hottie" "cutie" "I love blah blah blah"
I mean come on, I get it.
But honestly, you complain of not being taken seriously?
Then first off, get rid of that absolutely horrifying picture of you with all those pre-teen words plastered all across your body and take a serious picture, no need to pose like you're going to become some Playboy bunny.

Then the people, who think they're so uptight, amazing, popular, famous, or whatever?
The ones with what, 1,000 or more friends?
Let me just say this.
It's ridiculous, stupid, and it shows nothing.
Everyone knows that there is no way possible for someone to know all 1,000+ people on Facebook.
Come on, they add what, 5-10 people a day?
Unless they go to some party every single day of the week or something, not possible.
Don't call me a hypocrite, I accept friend requests from people I don't know.
I admit it, and I'm not going pretend that I know every one of them personally on a daily basis.
But at least I take the time to go through my entire list and take off the people I have no clue or don't give a s**t about.
I recently just cleaned my friends list from 669 to 624.
Moving on....

I should mention, I found actually, an entire whole group of YouTubers...
Eek! right?!
Oh gosh, uhh, I'm going to have to list them all aren't I....
The group of YouTubers' that I am talking about are.....
nigahiga, chestersee, kevjumba, and thedominicshow
(I swear there were were more... anyways....)
Here is an adorable over the top video from that entire pack!

Nice Guys
It was so adorable, and really hilarious.
Each channel has a different version of this song/video, but I still liked this one better.

Though... the song actually was true, past all the sillyness.
It seems to me that all the guys I've grown up with have changed, for other people, than to be themselves.
I was this huge tomboy, and I grew up with all the guys from school.
But over the years, I saw them change from the nice guys to these "WTF IS THAT' people.
I still wonder why guys or people in general think they have to act like they don't care or to be all jerkish or a d**che to have someone like them.
Though, my boyfriend thinks I do that =_='' yay....... /sarcasm

Enough ranting about things like that, here's one last video from the channel!

Word of the Day - Bromance
Must. Watch. No questions asked.
Features Jay Park and Phil from Wong Fu Productions.

If you REALLY liked it (the videos), I recommend check out the channel(s)!
There's even a movie featuring nigahiga and thedominicshow but guess what?
It also features kassemg, smosh, a ton of other people, and even has a song from David Choi.

Agents of Secret Stuff
I highly recommend it.

Is that all I wanted to blog today?
I think so.
I'll rant about soda another day.
I'll be posting a review and product descriptions that were used on me from Estée Lauder later today.
Going to watch Bad Teacher finally today.... ugh.
It's 04:32... see you guys later! :)

-hugs and smiles-

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