Thursday, July 28, 2011

Update 28 July 2011

Well, as you guys can tell, I'm taking a complete break from 365 Day Challenge's until I know I'm more mentally prepared AND physically prepared and able to do it.
However, here is an update!

I'll be posting another Artistry review for the following products:
Magnetic makeup case (Re-doing it)
Another product that I forgot currently that I'll edit in here later...

Also I'll be posting a guide on skirt making 101!

I'm also planning on making a cute pencil case so watch out for that too!

Cellphone charms coming up too in a week or two ^-^

In August I'll be posting a back to school guide for those who are nervous or freaking out!
Will also be making a simple makeup look for that too....

Few other things, I'll re-edit this post later, I'm in a rush actually, have to rush downtown in half an hour and I haven't even started getting dressed!

OH and last update for now until I re-edit this, I'll be redecorating the website soon so.. if you see strange things.... ignore it for now ;)

-hugs and smiles-
Bunneh (with a heart that I can't post at the moment since I gotta run LOL)

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