Monday, July 4, 2011

365 Day Challenge: Day 38

Happy 4th of July to all US citizens living in the US! 
(Legal or illegal, I love you all :D)
I'll be messing around with my sister later with cooking (I'll let you guys know how that goes haha)...

Anyways, today, I was locked out of my laptop for half the day.
I forgot my laptop password.
I hate Apple, at least, customer service.
Was on the phone for a good while until I finally just hung up.
Google + smart phone = win.
Just saying!

If anybody ever needs help with recovering passwords on a Macbook Pro, feel free to ask now...
Since I spent half the day trying to figure out how.

Today, my form of love to my boyfriend was rejected... T_T laughed at me.

Day 38:
I spent 10  minutes making this perfect.... and he laughed...
Q__Q </3
-hugs and smiles-

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